Devin Gee has quickly become one of the premier Turkey Calling experts of the Northeastern part of the country. A life-long hunter of big game and Turkey, he began Gee Custom Calls in 2019 in Stratford NY. He specializes in Turkey Calls which include; Box Calls, Slate Calls and Mouth Calls. He also makes calls specific to Crows, Geese and Owls. For Deer, he offers the Monarch Grunt Call, and the Gee Custom Scent Neutralizers (for all types of hunting). See them all at www.geecustomcalls.com .
Utilizing the calls he creates, Gee is also a 4X State Turkey Calling Champion in New York & Massachusetts. His 2023 win at the Massachusetts Championships punched his ticket to compete at the National Wild Turkey Federation GRAND NATIONAL CALLING CHAMPIONSHIPS taking place in Nashville TN on February 15th-17th (week before our show). At the Nationals, he will be competing for more than $25,000 in cash and prizes against the best callers in the world. The callers will be using natural voices, latex mouth calls, pot and friction calls, box calls, owl hooting tubes and more, to yelp, cluck, putt, gobble and hoot their way to the top spot on stage. Devin will certainly be using one of his own custom calls created right near the show in Stratford NY.
A long-time attendee of the Adirondack Outdoorsman Show since he was a young boy, we are proud to say that he is now one of the favorite vendors at the show. Come meet Devin for yourself and pick-up one of his game calls and learn his strategies for effectively using them. And who knows, by the time our show takes place, you may be able to meet & talk with a National Champion!